While stationed here Crewman trained to launch a nuclear missile

Delta 2 1/5 1 ADA Nike Hercules Missile Site was deployed in Dichtelbach with the ability to attack surface to surface or high-flying supersonic targets. The missile carried a small nuclear warhead to attack formations of aircraft. The site was functional in mid 1962-1983. Our mission was to launch missiles in 30 minutes 24 hours 7 days a week as part of the Cold War.


The Nike Hercules was a guided missile controlled from a ground station. The guidance and control area (Integrated Fire Control, IFC) was located at a distance (about 1 mile) from the area from where the missile was launched (Launching Area, LA). The IFC had a low power acquisition radar (LOPAR) to detect (enemy) aircraft. After detecting and identifying a hostile aircraft with the aid of a Identification friend or foe system, this aircraft was followed or tracked in elevation, azimuth and range by a Target Tracking Radar (TTR). An analog (later digital) computer computed continually a point in the sky where the missile and target should meet (intercept point) after a potential launch of the missile. After the missile was actual launched by the Battery Control Officer (BCO) a Missile Tracking Radar (MTR) tracked the missile and the computer constantly updated the intercept point even if the hostile aircraft performed evasive actions. Steering corrections were sent to the missile by the MTR. When the missile neared the intercept point a command signal was sent to the missile to explode. To measure the range to the target under jamming conditions the IFC was also equipped with a Target Ranging Radar (TRR). Some IFC’s were equipped with a high power acquisition radar (HIPAR) to augment the initial detecting range of hostile aircraft. For command and control the sites were linked with a digitally communication system (initial the AN/MSQ-18 system).

IFC Area fire and control

Nike Hercules launcher Area

https://d21dichtelbach.com/launcher-area/ area

Charlie Section launcher area.

3 responses to “While stationed here Crewman trained to launch a nuclear missile”

  1. pqbst Avatar

    Nike Hercules Missile Site from 1962 until 1983 in Dichtelbach, Germany

  2. Marc Avatar

    This is so cool! Over the years I’ve been wandering around the aborted site a couple of times wondering what it once was and now I know! I’ve stood on the steps shown in one of the pictures, it’s all grown over now. And I really liked the orange tiles in the entry. I guess they would even be worth something today 😉 All my best, Marc.

  3. Ronnie Stopfer Avatar
    Ronnie Stopfer

    I was there from about late 1964 until February 1966.1SG Sam Chumlea was our top EM. I can’t remember the officers names. I worked a there duty hours at our club. SP5 Doc Simpson was our medic and my boss at the club. Jim Keenan (about 6’6”) was a “real” regular at the club. A former member of our battery “Roberson” ETS’d and stayed there. He became a farmer and had a contract with us where he got all the uneaten foods that he fed to his hogs. SFC “Tiger” Jones was a PSGT and sat in as acting 1SG when needed. There was as a 2LT Fahrenheit (I think) then. SP5 Wendell was our security clerk (S2), and was in charge of the mail room. Our German farmer in charge of the boilers would bring in home made potato schnapps that would knock you into yesterday. We did not have any women in the unit. The enclosed pictures are hard to look at.

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